Let us all openly resist or refuse to obey

The Bible says in Isaiah 33:14 Sinners in Zion are terrified; Trembling has seized the godless “Who among us can live with the consuming fire? Who among us can live with continual burning?” I think we have seen who are terrified and trembling in their boots as further as the FDC prayers are considered and the…

#UgBlogWeek Day 6 Curated

In the midst of everything going on, we are still writing about Love and Elections using #Ugblogweek. Find Day 5 curation here; #UGBlogWeek – Curated posts from Day 5. Yesterday’s blogs are; #UgBlogWeek #6: Heartbreak💔 He won’t let me leave http://blogs.ugo.co.ug/2016/02/what-non-techies-need-to-know-about-vpn/ Stories From The Elections He won’t let me leave THE VOWS (Voting Day) #UgBlogWeek #day6 [#UGblogWeek – Day…

#UgBlogWeek Day 2: Why I Stopped Watching Tv

Its 6:45am, I am struggling to talk to God. I am cramping, it is not helping my cause. I whisper a silent prayer and open my phone to get to my Bible app but I end up on Facebook, and as I scroll through it, I find a post by a ’friend’ (we all know…

Project Link Launched, So No More Digging for BlueRedYellowGreen Cable Laying?

#KoikoiUg…. Google project launched last week in Kampala with a promise of improving our internet speed and experience. According to this statement on their site, they have built the first metro fiber network in this, our city Kampala, that was limited to pre-broadband speeds. They continue to say; In Uganda, we also offer wholesale last-mile Wi-Fi…