In the presence of God, there is alignment

Alignment, a Personal Exploration of Discipleship

Reflecting on my journey in discipleship, alignment has played a crucial role in my spiritual growth. This alignment is about harmonizing my thoughts, feelings, and actions with the guidance of a spiritual leader or mentor. It’s a journey filled with trust, surrender, and personal responsibility. Recently, a friend asked me what I thought about alignment…

Exploring the Profound “I Am” Statements of Jesus in the Bible

While attending my church garage/service at Worship Harvest Ministries, Apostle Moses Mukisa mentioned something to do with the nature of Christ all covered in the ‘I am’ statement He mentioned in His teachings. I was convinced to find them as my spirit longed to understand I am’s(God Himself, the “I am who I am” –…

Letting Go of Idols and Cultivating a Deeper Relationship with God

Have you ever thought about the things that may be hindering your connection with God? Those distractions you know compete for your attention and take away the time you could spend with Him. They’re like little idols that sneak into our lives without us even realizing it. In this blog, let’s explore some common idols…

Insight as a Business Basic

In business, insight is the knowledge that adds value and serves to create or improve something. A company has insights when it has valuable information that allows companies to generate intelligence and understand what is happening, why, and how something can be solved, reversed, or improved. This month at Worship Harvest Ministries Business Garage, we…

How are you using the ‘Dunamis’ you were given?

Each of us has been entrusted with something. Something great and wonderful. One that adds value to the world we are living in now. Now that we are more desperate for certainty, we shouldn’t take anything for granted. Think about the story Jesus told: each servant was given money according to his ability. The word…

Misogyny Among Women – A Common Malady

I have been reading this 5 days devotion on the Bible App called ‘Redeeming The Feminine Soul’ by Julie Roys, and her last day writing got me thinking how we women are very misogynic. I choose to the devotion because it offered insights on how biblically feminism can be achieved without discrimination, hatred and all the…

Celebrate more, Celebrate better.

 Question: Have you ever celebrated for seven days? Like you take off Monday to Sunday to just celebrate, jubilate, rejoice, be thankful, pray, dance, sing, praise and worship the Almighty. Shut, laugh, sing, eat, drink and all the other things done while celebrating, but you do this for 7 full days, have you ever? Would…