Its 6:45am, I am struggling to talk to God. I am cramping, it is not helping my cause. I whisper a silent prayer and open my phone to get to my Bible app but I end up on Facebook, and as I scroll through it, I find a post by a ’friend’ (we all know…
#UgBlogWeek Day 7 Curated stories. Webale!
And if there is sorrow in leaving , so there is fear to stay and yet we must carry on believing that spring will come someday. Its Over! Its Over! Oh well, we need to move on to the next stage of our lives. But before we go, Sunday was the last day of #UgBlogWeek.…
One Year as an online freelancer; lessons learnt.
If you can’t record or remember your lessons, you learnt nothing from the great experiences life has to offer. Everyday there is something new to learn, to fail at and to aim at. For the last year I have been learning, failing and aiming; below are my lessons learnt…. Never forget your passion – not…
How To Create Content For Your Brand That Sells
I have been doing this for two years creating content for brands and campaigns and I have realized that many brands can’t create content that can make them revenue or even prompt their clients to engage back with them. Content creation and marketing is not an easy thing as most people think, mainly if you…
#SocialMedia Trends To Watch In 2014 – #Uganda
Around this time last year, Kahill wrote a blog about what 2013 holds for Social Media Marketing in Uganda. Now as she sat there flipping through her social sites, she realised that next year is going to be a revolutionary year for social media in Uganda. Kahill has witnessed the best social media groundbreaking events in Uganda.…
Understanding Tweet Ups
I have been to a number of these, some were informal and others were formal. Indirect ones were more of meet ups with tweeps to catch up which ended up being tweetups. Then the direct ones were actually organised by different brands, campaigns, individuals and organisations. What Are TweetUps? These are real life meetings organised…