
It is considered a vital trait that manifests in various aspects of life, exhibiting different levels and forms. It refers to being steadfast, reliable, and uniform in actions, words, and values. Consistency breeds trust, credibility, and excellence, making it a highly desirable attribute in personal and professional spaces. I am rereading the 15 Laws of…

In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of startups, the path to success is often paved with unexpected challenges and an emotional state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty. The startup experience can feel like a relentless rollercoaster, leaving many founders and teams grappling with a phenomenon known as "startup trauma."

Understanding and Healing from Startup Trauma

In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of startups, the path to success is often paved with unexpected challenges and an emotional state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty. The startup experience can feel like a relentless rollercoaster, leaving many founders and teams grappling with a phenomenon known as “startup trauma.” Startup trauma is the cumulative stress…

Retire Rich (and Happy!): 6 Secrets Often Overlooked

Retire Rich (and Happy!): 6 Secrets Often Overlooked

What is retirement? This is the withdrawal from one’s position, occupation, or active working life. Here are some things to think about as you read this blog; 👉🏼You can choose to be semi-retired, but many people choose to retire when they are elderly. 👉🏼 If you’re to calculate your replacement ratio: you will need 80%…

Being busy is a form of laziness!

“Being busy is a form of laziness—lazy thinking and indiscriminate action. Being busy is most often used as a guise for avoiding the few critically important but uncomfortable actions.” There’s some truth to that! Here’s why:– Focus on Activity, Not Results: Busyness can be a way to feel productive without actually achieving much. You’re constantly moving,…

Time Blocking for the Win!

As we flip the calendar to a new month, let’s challenge our traditional view of time as a fluid concept. What if we reframed it as a series of concrete building blocks? This shift can revolutionize your productivity. Instead of vague to-dos like “Do ABC today,” we can schedule with laser focus: “I will conquer…

High Court Ruling on WhatsApp Contracts

Implications of the High Court Ruling on WhatsApp Contracts for Uganda’s Digital Marketing Sector

The High Court in Kampala, Uganda made a novel ruling that affirmed the legal validity of contracts executed through WhatsApp. Judge Patricia Kahigi Asiimwe of the Commercial Division ruled that under the Electronic Transactions Act, the definition of a data message is something that has to be stored by a computer. And then went ahead and…

The Smuggler’s Manifesto and its Implications on Innovation

The smuggler’s manifesto is a document that was leaked online by an anonymous source, claiming to be a member of a global network of smugglers who operate in the shadows of the law. The manifesto reveals the methods, motives, and philosophy of the smugglers, who claim to be providing a valuable service to humanity by…

Animal Inspirations for Achieving Success: Lessons from the Natural World

Recently I found myself thinking about animals and how I could find metaphorical connections that can help us understand the concept of accomplishment. As a content marketer and writer, the importance of completing tasks and achieving goals while drawing inspiration from the animal kingdom can be a powerful way to ignite motivation. Join me as…

Adult Learning

Adult Learning: Examining Teaching to Meet Personal Needs

Learning is a lifelong process that does not end when an individual graduates from school. As adults, we continue to learn and acquire knowledge, information, and experiences through various means. However, adult learning has its own positives and negatives that can be challenging to navigate. While examining learning and teaching methods to fit my current…

Breaking the Chains of Debt: Confronting Shame and Finding Freedom

Debt!Debt shame.Yes, debt causes shame to the borrower.Even the one who took credit.A book was brought out, a page was opened, and names plus amounts were noted.Then the creditor and debtor relationship started. What an evil thing!What an unforgiving slave lord, Debt is.For 3 years, locked up and made to work like an elephant and…

Insight as a Business Basic

In business, insight is the knowledge that adds value and serves to create or improve something. A company has insights when it has valuable information that allows companies to generate intelligence and understand what is happening, why, and how something can be solved, reversed, or improved. This month at Worship Harvest Ministries Business Garage, we…

The 5 Is of Business Basics to Move you in 2023 and Beyond

Whether you are just starting out in the world of entrepreneurship or are a seasoned business owner, it is always helpful to review the basics at the start. In this blog, I will be covering a range of fundamental concepts that are crucial for the success of any business. Most of this blog will have…

What is the Logic behind your services and products as a business owner?

A few months ago, I was attending the Thrive Business Owners Breakfast meeting organized by Worship Harvest Ministries under the Harvest Institute School of Practical Business where I had many light bulb moments and sparks of idea development. One of the things that had been keeping me uncomfortable is the question in the title that…

Mentorship, Grooming, Coaching, and Training; the covering men need.

In 2015, my heart started bleeding for the boychild and men because what I was seeing around was not good at all. As the heads of families, men were failing and there were more initiatives towards women who were their helpers and none for the ones in the driver’s seat. I cried out to God…

Why blue jeans and not purple?

Do you know that someone somewhere determines and makes decisions for us in line with the way we are to think and in the end act? Decisions are made on our behalf through the use of media to shape our perspectives and views. Do you know that blue was not even the original boy’s color?…

#Transform2022 #WorshipHarvest #MakeADifference #HarvestInstitute

Vision, People, and Resources – The Tools to Make a Transformational Difference in Society.

The thing you know intuitively, you can’t transfer to others – Apostle Moses Mukisa aka Ap. Mo That is how Transform 2022 a yearly leaders conference organized by the School Of Leadership from Harvest Institute, started off with the leader of Worship Harvest Ministries. With the theme Make a Difference, Ap. Mo started the conference…

SDGs and Climate Change, how you can get involved

Saving lives and livelihoods requires urgent action to address both the pandemic and the climate emergency. Recently I found myself wearing more warm clothes than before because I can’t deal with the cold anymore. Even my covers have gained a new duvet and I am wearing warmer stocking in the house.  My friends who travelled…

Overthinking as a Solution

“But you can overthink! said a friend. This was when I shared my thoughts and assumptions on something we were working on. Their rebuke called me to the realization that I was different from them. It might feel like you’re the only one lying awake at night, dwelling on a decision you made earlier that…

CEO Summit Magazine 2020 Features Patricia Kahill

CEO summit Uganda is where growth-oriented corporates challenge, effectuate and expound transformation. It is a platform that uniquely gathers the most influential CEOs, bankers, and investors in the region.  It is a private think tank fluent in solutions, through its Annual CEO Forum and the sector-specific CEO Cluster teams. In 2020, Patricia Kahill a multipotentialite,…

The 4Cs of Self-Leadership as per Dr. Clare Gakenia– Dine and Dream

Self-leadership, is the practice of understanding who you are, identifying your desired experiences, and intentionally guiding yourself toward them. This is something I have come to like in conversations I have with myself and others. Who are you, what do you want to be and how are you being it? Self-leadership helps one understand their…