The Difference Between Likes and People Talking About This on #Facebook

Okay so what do I mean with that title – let me first break it down with what those two phrases mean. “Likes” these show people who clicked the like button on your Facebook page either via the promotion competition you are running or through connections who have shared. You should know that people who…

Farmers Should Use #SocialMedia To Stay Connected #1ACCA

As telecom companies are staying relevant in their competitive market, I think farmers should do the same too. Social media keeps us connected and informed about all the different things happening around the world. Alot of information is passed on through these platforms that it would be necessary for farmers to engage with and learn…

Would You Do This To Yourself Because You Want To Stay Connected?

There I was looking through my Pulse news and there it was an article about the most connected man alive in the world. Mashable posted the story and it said the 45-year-old Chris Dancy has between 300 and 700 systems running at any given time, systems that capture real-time data about his life. Now, that there…

There Goes Desktop Advertising, Here Comes Mobile Ads

Google has been saying this for the last couple of years, how it is making a lot of money out of Mobile adverts more than desktop. Now eMarketer released is saying the shift is on and it is going to cost desktop advertising $1.4 billion loss as most of us search more on mobile than on the desktop.…