So I woke up from my lazy mood and wrote a blog for Ugo Uganda. I developed it from a small blog I wrote last year, enjoy.
All human beings are born free, equal and have the right to freedom. However, it saddens me that majority of you who are reading this might not take it at heart.
Every human being has one birth right but some people decide to give it away, just like Esau in the Bible who gave it to Jacob for a bowl of red stew.
Since Esau was the firstborn son, he was entitled to receive the birthright which was two-fold. First, was a double portion of the inheritance from the father and second, a special ceremonial blessing from the father. However, Esau complained of what Jacob had done to him: “Is not he rightly named Jacob [deceiver]? for he hath supplanted me these two times: he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he hath taken away my blessing’ (Genesis 27:36).
It should be noted that all human beings are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
We as human beings are free to do and be whoever we want to be with no restrains and hold backs. Most times our freedom and purpose seems to be taken away from us but the reality is, our freedom is the last thing we have before we die .
Freedom, like any other virtue, does not exist in a vacuum. It must be worked and practiced to exist at all. And like any other virtue, it imposes upon those who would have it, the unpleasant tasks of discipline and sacrifice.
Materialistic people do not learn these tasks by reading posters or listening to pep talks, any more than you can learn to play the violin by the same methods.
Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, be it independence, trust or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Whatever your goals, desires, or aspirations may be, choose to be free from compromise and follow your life purpose through your opinion and thoughts.
Naturally, our only given birth right will overpower any oppressive force a man can conjure up, this giving us the power to be who we were meant to be. It is not easy and it takes an immense amount of courage to step out of the ordinary. And every one of us has this courage within him/herself.
A lot of us look to these controlling forces, the ordinary life we live, the safe and comfortable places we live in and we feel safe, but we are not safe at all if we are not being true to ourselves.
If we are not who we are, we can’t fulfill our earthly purpose, we can’t be great. But if we do come out of the shadows and embrace our humanity, our inner selves, our character, listen to our inner voice; we would live fulfilled lives and purposes.
It is true the desire to be different rocks a lot of boats and breaks a lot of norms and already known ways of life, but playing it safe with no challenges, no obstacles, no pain, is no way to live this great life.
If what you want threatens to rock the boat, go for it.
If what you want doesn’t cause any disturbance, still go for it.
Whatever it may be, go for it. If you want it and it is worth it.
I want all of us to have the chance to put our lives on the line for whatever it is we want and believe in. If we do this we die for a cause, for a purpose, for our rights and our freedoms. But if we don’t, our lives begin and end with no purpose, other than the purpose that we existed, lived and died.
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