In business, insight is the knowledge that adds value and serves to create or improve something. A company has insights when it has valuable information that allows companies to generate intelligence and understand what is happening, why, and how something can be solved, reversed, or improved.
This month at Worship Harvest Ministries Business Garage, we went back to the basics of business. Where Apostle Moses Mukisa has been teaching the kingdom business and how best Christian business owners can do ministry business.
When breaking down the 5Is (click here to read about these), Apostle Moses Mukisa explained the first I called Insights and my main highlight was that we have been given all things necessary to do good business by God and thus the world is waiting for us to manifest it.
We do not create businesses to make money but rather to use them to manifest the wealth God has invested in us. How I manifest the wealth from where the Lord has invested it, in my heart – spirit, is according to my faith and belief in its existence. As a business owner my role is to make money for the business and not it making money for myself.
This insight from Business Garage gave me a deep understanding of the subject of Insight. Apostle Moses helped identify biblical patterns and trends with a focus to predict the future of our businesses with biblical knowledge. This is surely going to inform strategic decision-making, product development, and marketing efforts by business owners.
Insight can be gained through various means, such as market research, customer surveys, and data analysis but biblical knowledge and understanding of its influence on business is more desirable.
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