Right Information Leads To Right Retirement Benefits

Today I have decide to read papers on and write about rights to information in regard to rights to retirement benefits because I found it interesting last time I attended the #KnowYourPension event. I treasure my right to information because I know it is a fundamental human right, recognized in a number of international and regional…

Liquid Telecom To Invest UGX 2 billion in Uganda Internet Infrastructure

IP provider in eastern, central and southern Africa, announced an investment of UGX 2 bn the Ugandan subsidiary Infocom, to extend its pan African fibre cable infrastructure across Kampala’s Central Business District and to multiple rural towns across Uganda, including Mukono, Jinja, Masaka, and Mbarara. Liquid Telecom is the leading independent data, voice and IP…

NUGU [malicious intent or hatred for those better than you]

Stop your Hatred. Stop being tribalist. Stop your Malice. Stop being self righteous. Stop continuing this non development division among us as a people of this banana republic Uganda. Why are we so divided even? Miss Uganda is beautiful!! Below is a post from Facebook by a friend of mine Richard Obonyo who said things…

Parenting is for Parents and Teaching is for Teachers

Its your responsibility as a parent to guide your child in the right ways of life not the teacher. The teacher is there to teach not parent, that is your duty and right as a parent from the time you started talking about bearing children. Stop dumping your responsibilities to people. It is very common now…

In For These #UgBloggers7days #SMUg14 ? The Platforms You Can Use

Right now as I write this a number of people are wondering how to get involved in the #UgBloggers7days and #SMUg14 blog challenges and where to post their stories. As the introduction blog to #UgBloggers7days said, (paraphrasing) many bloggers are in slumber land and others have never even ventured in these lands, I think some…

5 Indicators That You Are Tweeting The Right Tweets

Communication is both an expressive, message-sending, and a receptive, message-receiving, process. Failure to communicate effectively can be due to a problem on either or both ends of the process. This is what we all aim for with all our work online. So are you tweeting enough per day that those tweets are impactful, meaningful directed…

Ministry of Health Press Statement on The Marburg Case in The Country

The Ministry of Health would like to inform the general public that there is a confirmed case of Marburg in the country. This initial case follows laboratory tests done at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) on September 30th 2014 which confirmed that one person, a health worker, had died of the viral hemorrhagic fever.…