Stop your Hatred. Stop being tribalist. Stop your Malice. Stop being self righteous. Stop continuing this non development division among us as a people of this banana republic Uganda. Why are we so divided even?
Miss Uganda is beautiful!!
Below is a post from Facebook by a friend of mine Richard Obonyo who said things I was dying to write about, his sentiments match mine and his insightful information needed to be changed.
This weekend happened to carrying a number of mixed feelings for me. First, some ass-hole organised a beer festival and then decided to push it forward because he probably got high sampling free beer (yes, Uganda still has poor event planners). Then Miss Agric, Oops, Miss Uganda happened.
I am a jerk-ass when it comes to looks, probably the biggest ass-hole in that regard. But the level of NUGU our new Miss Uganda is receiving makes you wonder what it is about Ugandans that makes us hate success for others!
I agree, she isn’t the most attractive woman in the country, but she is the best the judges had to work with. But then you find some poor excuse of a woman so ugly her man has to get drunk and turn off the lights to shag her also calling our reigning beauty queen ugly!
I blame the make-up designer for this fail but the gal is beautiful.
But it is not just this example that ticked me off. A few weeks ago, the more TV, radio and even local celebs told Ugandans to help vote and keep one of the Ugandan representatives in Big Brother, the more Ugandans took to social media to criticise the poor girl as if any of them could do better. Yes her English was lacking (so is mine, btw) but surely she had other qualities that we could have focused on.
This home grown NUGU is probably why our local entertainment industry has failed to grow. We yap about anything just to keep our “artists” in a box. They try a new style, we call the pretenders. They release a new music video, we focus on their wives sex-tape. We just hate to see our own progress.
Like the time Bebe Cool was invited to perform for Nelson Mandela (R.I.P), Ugandans just kept on talking about how it was an embarrassment and how they should have taken some Nigerian singer. WTF is wrong with my countrymen. They even called his backstage photo with Will Smith photo-shopped.
But of all the time NUGU has taken over and exposed stupidity, the time when Chameleon had an accident in Tanzania. Even the local media was engulfed in rumours of witchcraft and drugs but no one sent him any help or prayers (in a country that claims to be religious, that’s a bit odd).
In Uganda, a rich man can not be intelligent or hard working or even lucky, he must have killed a mzungu or sacrificed his children. A guy doesn’t have game, he must be using a small stick in his pockets to attract when.
But where NUGU can be most seen, when a woman passes by in an expensive car. Regardless of her success in business or at work, many a Ugandan will automatically conclude that she got that car because of what’s between her legs. That’s how she got the business or even the promotion.
We are a nation that spends some much time trying to see our people fail that we forget to work on how we could instead succeed.
I guess none of this would have happened if only the fucktard in charge of the beer fest hadn’t gotten high.
Told you she was beautiful without that stupid make up
Patricia Kahill is a multipotentialite Christian entrepreneur, Content Marketing Coach and founder of the Content Marketing agency, Kahill Insights that helps business owners create engaging and interactive content items for digital platforms with a focus on returning a desired outcome.
Patricia was the producer of SlamDunk Basketball Talk a show on House of Talent online TV, a former fellow at Harvest Institute for leadership and now an assessor there, and an alumnus of the YELP class of 2017. A member of the BNI Integrity chapter and African Women Entrepreneur Cooperative.
She is driven by passion and curiosity, been taking every opportunity that has been given to her with an ambition of stamping her footprint on the world.
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I have a problem with beauticians. they take away our natural looks and make us look different. This lady is supper hot. The media has one other big problem, they concentrate on one’s weak point and leave the strength. They concentrated on the spoken English and forgot the other features the smart girl had. She deserved it among the many.
I’m happy for her, despite the “NUGU” she’s the crowned Miss Uganda 2014. Sometimes make-up can backfire and it happens to the best of us…
I know, but the way people went all over like she is ugliest person ever…
I have a problem with beauticians. they take away our natural looks and make us look different. This lady is supper hot. The media has one other big problem, they concentrate on one’s weak point and leave the strength. They concentrated on the spoken English and forgot the other features the smart girl had. She deserved it among the many.
After listening to her, I appreciate this lady. She indeed deserves the crown.