[“Can I call you tonight?” he asked her, as she walked away from the table.She was not happy. The day had been hectic. She needed her bed like a baby needs her doll. She turned and said, “If I am still awake, I will pick up.” Though she knew even if she were awake, she was…
The Stranger and Her Warning…
“Don’t let love win, its a trap”
Shisha Is More Dangerous Than Cigarettes!!
Shisha is more dangerous than cigarettes. Shisha smoking health risks not only include heart disease, respiratory problems, lung and mouth cancer, but also risks of transmitting diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis. Most of the Shisha tobacco is scented making it hard for smoker to realize that they are smoking tobacco. Unlike regular tobacco products…
Stop Squeezing Your Brain Over Love
Love. It is not something that can be grown. It sparks at the most unexpected moment. One who loves would naturally find himself thinking about her all the time, wanting to furnish her with everything she sets her eyes on, whatever it takes. When she cries, your heart feels as if it is being slashed…
To My Dear Friend, #Happy2014
Happy new year my dear Friend. Am so glad and honoured that I know you. You have been my rock this ending year. No matter how many fights we have had, we have come out as victors. We have survived everything that has been thrown at us by ourselves and others. We have held each other’s…
Types of men you shouldn't be dating.
Am re-posting this but edited, from my Facebook notes after i promised a friend of mine, a one @Jwaninda that am to post it on Monday after @beewol had taken over the morning. I had forgotten and he sent me a tweet to remind me; I thought I would wake up to @pkahill ‘s blog mbu…
For Ladies; Lies are lies, stop sugarcoating them
“When denial (his or ours) can no longer hold and we finally have to admit to ourselves that we’ve been lied to, we search frantically for ways to keep it from disrupting our lives. So we rationalize. We find “good reasons” to justify his lying, just as he almost always accompanies his confessions with “good…
I should hate love…
“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can…
Type of women, men should be dating
There are several women in the world, that the options are possibly limitless for dating; now this is going to sound crazy for a lady to write about her fellow woman in this manner but i had to… So here we go: 1.) The Older Woman. Now, when I say this, I’m not saying you…
Who are Friends?
If you asked someone how they would define friendship, the answer will usually be “someone who will always be there when you need them, a person who never lies, a person who will always put you first before anyone else” and so on. But who actually fits that description? I know there are friends and…
Love And Torment
Love Can Torment…
The Road To A Good Relationship
To all who are single and searching To all who are looking for someone to love and love them back To all who are looking for a lifetime partner, the father or mother to their children To all the young men and women who know that there comes a time when single life bores and…