I read the bible once in while and when I do, I dig deep in to it to understand more like the chapter below. Psalms 1. says; “1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,…
To My Dear Friend, #Happy2014
Happy new year my dear Friend. Am so glad and honoured that I know you. You have been my rock this ending year. No matter how many fights we have had, we have come out as victors. We have survived everything that has been thrown at us by ourselves and others. We have held each other’s…
Who are Friends?
If you asked someone how they would define friendship, the answer will usually be “someone who will always be there when you need them, a person who never lies, a person who will always put you first before anyone else” and so on. But who actually fits that description? I know there are friends and…