The High Court in Kampala, Uganda made a novel ruling that affirmed the legal validity of contracts executed through WhatsApp. Judge Patricia Kahigi Asiimwe of the Commercial Division ruled that under the Electronic Transactions Act, the definition of a data message is something that has to be stored by a computer. And then went ahead and…
Alternative marketing, the death of cookies
It is important for all businesses to review how they are harnessing the marketing trends so they can apply the latest innovations through the 70:20:10 rule of marketing focus. The rule has it that 70% of the time we focus on things that are very core to our business, 20% is where we are trying…
#PKTechWeekly; Zimba Women, Drone Technology, Remote Controlled BMW, FinTech, Tech Investment and Support
Can drone technology help Africa overcome developmental challenges?
Facebook brings its Innovation Challenge to Africa
Recognition for African developers who are working to deliver apps, websites and services for learning/education and economic empowerment; $US150, 000 awards for winners in two categories. Have you heard yet? Facebook is launching the Innovation Challenge in Africa with the aim of recognising developers and entrepreneurs who are using the internet to improve the standard of education…
Project Link Launched, So No More Digging for BlueRedYellowGreen Cable Laying?
#KoikoiUg…. Google project launched last week in Kampala with a promise of improving our internet speed and experience. According to this statement on their site, they have built the first metro fiber network in this, our city Kampala, that was limited to pre-broadband speeds. They continue to say; In Uganda, we also offer wholesale last-mile Wi-Fi…
Blogging on Facebook
After #UgBlogWeek, (still reading and re-visiting those beautiful blogs) I was asked if Facebook can be used as a blogging platform and if so how can one do it. This is what I think in regard to that. And these are not comprehensive views that are a must follow, we all blog for different reasons.…
One Year as an online freelancer; lessons learnt.
If you can’t record or remember your lessons, you learnt nothing from the great experiences life has to offer. Everyday there is something new to learn, to fail at and to aim at. For the last year I have been learning, failing and aiming; below are my lessons learnt…. Never forget your passion – not…
Google is being bombarded on all fronts
Google my best search engine is at war on all fonts of its business. Earlier in October the company disappointed shareholders with underwhelming quarterly results. The amount of money it makes each time somebody clicks on an ad has steadily fallen for the past three years. Then a concern rose about the disintermediation of search by…
Big Data Facts and Sources
I know you have heard this ‘Big Data’ gospel that is taking over the world already, but do you know these facts about it? That; Every 2 days since 2003 we create so much information more than we did from the beginning of time [Source], Every minute we send 204 million emails, generate 1,8 million…
In For These #UgBloggers7days #SMUg14 ? The Platforms You Can Use
Right now as I write this a number of people are wondering how to get involved in the #UgBloggers7days and #SMUg14 blog challenges and where to post their stories. As the introduction blog to #UgBloggers7days said, (paraphrasing) many bloggers are in slumber land and others have never even ventured in these lands, I think some…
WhatsAppDoc, TwitterDoc, FacebookDoc: The social media Revolution.
‘The future of medicine is in using the available technologies to treat as many patients as a doctor can’ – The Medical Concierge Group are using that quote to better many Ugandans’ health , mainly the youth by delivering medical consultation form wherever their are using Social Media channels like Whatsapp , Facebook and twitter…
Support The Petition Against the #TadoobaTax14
A friend of mine Kabubi Herman aka Slim Mcee the poet, tagged me in this post on Facebook, and it made me realise that I have not said anything about the Tadooba Tax that is going to be passed in the 2014/15 budget of Uganda. So I asked him to repost his work here because…
Facebook is learning the hard way that with great data comes great responsibility
How much of your information have you given to the social sites that, their are using for their A/B tests to better their companies performances and advertising pitches? Robert Galbraith below writes about the tough responsibilities such sites have… but I also think you have a responsibility as a user to watch what you share…
Congz #Twitter, On The New #Facebook Design
Oh yes thank you Twitter for the new look, yeah… you really outdid yourself. Question though, are you trying to compete with Facebook in anyway? I understand you want adverts but did you have to go and become Facebook? After playing around with the new look I have realised that, the year I joined this Social site…
Winner Takes It All: #Google’s Project Loon Or #Facebook's
Two thirds of the world’s population have no access to internet and these two giant tech companies have come up with projects to connect all of us, have ourselves a global village. The aim here is to help everyone have a chance to compete favourable on the world map, no one greater than the other,…
The Difference Between Likes and People Talking About This on #Facebook
Okay so what do I mean with that title – let me first break it down with what those two phrases mean. “Likes” these show people who clicked the like button on your Facebook page either via the promotion competition you are running or through connections who have shared. You should know that people who…
Farmers Should Use #SocialMedia To Stay Connected #1ACCA
As telecom companies are staying relevant in their competitive market, I think farmers should do the same too. Social media keeps us connected and informed about all the different things happening around the world. Alot of information is passed on through these platforms that it would be necessary for farmers to engage with and learn…
Why You Need To Read Privacy Policies On Social Sites
“Welcome to Facebook, Signup Here,” is what welcomed me nine years ago when I was joining Facebook. I signed in as a true human being without reading the privacy policy. What I didn’t know was the amount of useful information I could get from it. Do you read privacy policies before joining social sites? Now…
Types Of Social Sites
Every day I engage with the internet I learn something new and valuable to my work, beliefs and social presence. I have been Social – meaning engaging with social media – for 9 years. 8 years were just for fun, making friends and penpals, sharing photos and listening to music, writing small blogs under alias…
Facebook Friend-zoned By Snap Chat Until Maybe Next Year…
It is Friday. Hmm Okay, nice. Opens laptop and looks for technology and development related News. She goes through News Republic and Feedly, ‘yeah, yeah Samsung and Apple are up against each other again. I wonder why they can’t just join arms and resources, become SamApple Inc or Corporation’ she thought. From her understanding, technologies…