The connection between two people  that sparks when they meet each othr
The connection between two people that sparks when they meet each other

To all who are single and searching

To all who are looking for someone to love and love them back

To all who are looking for a lifetime partner,  the father or mother to their children

To all the young men and women who know that there comes a time when single life bores and marriage is the next step in their lives

To all those who had lost love but still believe that one day it will return

Here is a formula my granny said worked for her.

Step one;


Do you know who you are? Mainly when you are alone at night, in your bed who are you?

When no one is watching, like when you are in the toilet (their say this is the best place to think about oneself) who are you there? That person, who you are; is the person who is going to sustain a relationship with another people.

First know who you are and then you will be able to know what you want in a partner.

Step two;


When you know what you want then you will know your priorities in life, and your desires for it. This knowledge you have acquired about your self is the compass to the promised land of your future life.

It is like looking for something you already know is out there due to the description you already have. Here you have narrowed down your search and have a specific person you are looking for. It adds purpose to your life and also shows your maturity, advancement in life and knowledge.

You should invest this time in finding out what you want other than just driving in like that cause you will land on someone who will terminate your life for ever because of lack of focus.

Step three;


These two things move together what you are determines what you want in life.

So sit down and write who you are or who you think you are or what you found out you are and what you want to be. This provides you will the help you need with building your character and self esteem.

After the above writing, now write down what you want in that partner draw guidelines which will help you in your search. This is like putting your desires in a contract and signing it to abide by and be faithful to it, u will definitely yield to it and I say God will honor it for you and the universe will honor it too. An added advantage is writing down the hanging place where you think that person would probably be hanging and so you get a good start at searching.

Then two became one
Then two became one

Step Four


Compromise destroys reputation and personal progress because you are always breaking your only rules which you made to govern you.

The freedom you feel when you compromise is not promising to yield what you set out to do because betrayal to oneself never does. You tend to date the wrong people who have none of the qualities you set out to get.

This is time wasting  and energy, it will gives you a lot of heart breaks. Try not to compromise, it is not easy because most of the time there is always one quality missing but have patience and faith.  But if you compromise it will take a lot of time to appear because you already have someone and you will miss the love of your life or she or he will pass you by.

Step five;


All of us pray about many things but never take time to pray for our future husbands, wives, and children. We tend to just except God to just provide because we think he has too.

Yes God will provide,but it better to add on what you want in the mix because a father will not give child a stone when it asks for bread. So tell God about your hearts desires and present them to him; the qualities of that person you want to love and cherish for ever.

If giraffes can feel it what about you... be open minded with love... it always knocks when it is ready
If giraffes can feel it what about you… be open minded with love… it always knocks when it is ready

Patricia Kahill

Patricia Kahill is a multipotentialite Christian entrepreneur, Content Marketing Coach and founder of the Content Marketing agency, Kahill Insights that helps business owners create engaging and interactive content items for digital platforms with a focus on returning a desired outcome. Patricia was the producer of SlamDunk Basketball Talk a show on House of Talent online TV, a former fellow at Harvest Institute for leadership and now an assessor there, and an alumnus of the YELP class of 2017. A member of the BNI Integrity chapter and African Women Entrepreneur Cooperative. She is driven by passion and curiosity, been taking every opportunity that has been given to her with an ambition of stamping her footprint on the world.

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