” Treat your wife with respect and care, she is your helper, not your competitor. Care for her dearly, protect and provide, my son,” said a father to his 24 years old son getting married. This was the story of old, as told to me by my late great-grandmother. These were some of the words I…
Why Do Parents Do this?
“The Reverend Richard Mallow had been less steely than his wife about their sinful daughter but had also been persuaded that she must marry David. At once, said Lorna. As soon as possible.” — Page 49 of An Equal Stillness By Francesca Kay Why do parents do that? Why do parents have to force girls…
Far From the Madding Crowd
‘Will you marry me? I can provide for you, I have sheep that can pay off the land and you can settle here in this beautiful country. You can get a piano in the house. I can make you happy.’ – Mr. Gabriel Oak, Far from the Madding Crowd. I was watching this movie(Far from…
Romance Totally!
[“Can I call you tonight?” he asked her, as she walked away from the table.She was not happy. The day had been hectic. She needed her bed like a baby needs her doll. She turned and said, “If I am still awake, I will pick up.” Though she knew even if she were awake, she was…
Love And Torment
Love Can Torment…
The Road To A Good Relationship
To all who are single and searching, To all who are looking for someone to love and love them back, To all who are looking for a lifetime partner, the father or mother to their children, To all the young men and women who know that there comes a time when single life bores and…