One of the hardest prayers I have had to say is the one that throws away my own will and desires, and asks God to do according to His.

This prayer is hard!

You give yourself up to God and not even try to do what you want because you are waiting on His guidance. Most times I feel like I am struck and not moving because I am waiting on Him and He is silent.

God wants you to decide in advance, trusting him and believing that His will is the best plan for your life.

This prayer strips you of your own selfish desires and teaches you to bank on some one bigger to lead. Often, God asks us to make the choice to do His will before we know the specific details of His plan, and this is a lot of trust to give for some one like me with some trust issues. 12778836_10208851219222526_6305109621768536298_o

Though, I have come to learn that the reason God doesn’t give the full picture of His plans for My life is that I may be overwhelmed by what I might see.

So I choice His will no matter what!

Matthew 26:39King James Version (KJV)

39 And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

Patricia Kahill

Patricia Kahill is a multipotentialite Christian entrepreneur, Content Marketing Coach and founder of the Content Marketing agency, Kahill Insights that helps business owners create engaging and interactive content items for digital platforms with a focus on returning a desired outcome. Patricia was the producer of SlamDunk Basketball Talk a show on House of Talent online TV, a former fellow at Harvest Institute for leadership and now an assessor there, and an alumnus of the YELP class of 2017. A member of the BNI Integrity chapter and African Women Entrepreneur Cooperative. She is driven by passion and curiosity, been taking every opportunity that has been given to her with an ambition of stamping her footprint on the world.

5 thoughts on “HIS Will or Mine”

  1. It takes a lot of faith and strength to acknowledge that God’s plan is best and let Him guide you. But what you say is true – if God showed you the whole plan, you probably wouldn’t believe Him anyway. In fact, you’d probably jump in and mess things up somehow. 🙂

    His will be done.

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