Reflecting on my journey in discipleship, alignment has played a crucial role in my spiritual growth. This alignment is about harmonizing my thoughts, feelings, and actions with the guidance of a spiritual leader or mentor. It’s a journey filled with trust, surrender, and personal responsibility. Recently, a friend asked me what I thought about alignment…
Why don’t we get what we desire, want, or need?
According to James 4:2-3, we want what we don’t have, so we scheme and kill to get it. We are jealous of what others have, but we can’t get it, so we fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet we don’t have what we want because we don’t ask God for…
The Stars Fought From Heaven
The stars fought from heaven.The stars in their orbits fought against Sisera – Judges 7: 20 When you hear such words from those who were are supposed to be united with you” Is this the one who relies on the Lord?Then let the Lord save him! If the Lord loves Him so much, let the…
Overcome your worries
“In a world of endless “what ifs” and always changing “what nows,” it’s easy to focus on our circumstances. We allow the bad medical report, the failing economy, the increased violence on the news to plant seeds of fear and worry in our lives. That’s the danger of worry. It grows and takes up precious…
Strength, Power, Mighty
The joy of the Lord is your strength. (Neh 8:10) The LORD is my strength (Exodus 15:2) and His strength and power makes my way perfect. (2 Samuel 22:33) He armed me with strength for battle; made my adversaries bow at my feet. (Sam 22:40) I will love thee, O LORD, my strength (Psalms 18:1) because you arm…
HIS Will or Mine
God wants you to decide in advance, trusting him and believing that His will is the best plan for your life.