In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of startups, the path to success is often paved with unexpected challenges and an emotional state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty. The startup experience can feel like a relentless rollercoaster, leaving many founders and teams grappling with a phenomenon known as "startup trauma."

Understanding and Healing from Startup Trauma

In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of startups, the path to success is often paved with unexpected challenges and an emotional state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty. The startup experience can feel like a relentless rollercoaster, leaving many founders and teams grappling with a phenomenon known as “startup trauma.” Startup trauma is the cumulative stress…

We need more mental health awareness drives

She woke up today feeling low and lonely, she expressed this to her beloved. He told her to stop seeking attention where there was no need. Rudely, he pushed her over and walked away. Now she lays in a coffin. Her beloved doesn’t understand why. The increased need to teach/educate each other about the problems…

Zumbathon for Mental Health 13th/10/2018 – Why You Should Attend

I almost threw myself in a speeding car around Kira roundabout now road lights. Why was I going to kill myself? Because I was tired of how I was feeling. The depression had taken its heavy load on me and the conversations with myself in my head were so loud, I didn’t know what was…

#HearMyHeart: Dissociative identity disorder

…. this is a continuation of a blog I wrote last year about a mental disorder called Rage under the Uganda Blog Community (@Ugbloc) theme #HearMyHeart. She sat there and looked at me for what felt to be too long but was only 5 minutes. I think she was studying me. Checking out my reactions…

#ugblogweek Day5: The Difference between Sadness and Depression

Not that mental health month didn’t have enough focus on these issues, but I thought I would highlight some thing we might have missed that we all tend to confuse. Sadness is different from depression! ‘Sadness—we are all familiar with it. Taylor Swift has made a career writing songs that tap into this emotion. Yet,…

While I was Silent….

While I was silent…. These are the things I didn’t want to share because I was wondering how they will impact your life. I like sharing when I am impacting and not when I think there will be no lesson. But this is Blogging, we share experiences and lessons. We share what makes happy and…