Debt shame.
Yes, debt causes shame to the borrower.
Even the one who took credit.
A book was brought out, a page was opened, and names plus amounts were noted.
Then the creditor and debtor relationship started.

What an evil thing!
What an unforgiving slave lord, Debt is.
For 3 years, locked up and made to work like an elephant and eat like an ant.
Ashamed to say it because society loves victory stories and shames others.
Self-accusation and condemnation are things related to debt.

Today I remove this SHAME!
I am going to talk about it.
I did not borrow; I spent what I did not have.
Invested in bad deals.
Lent and never got paid back.
Used others’ time, and skills,
Failed to pay them.

Recently on Business Garage, the breakthrough happened.
Talking about debt openly was made easy.
Debt chain-breaking words were shared.
Copies of plans to escape were drawn.
Escape dates were .confirmed
Freedom is on the horizon.
I am breaking out!

Are you suffering in silence about your debt?
Do you feel ashamed because of debt?
Here is your remedy to freedom.
Watch these two videos and comment below if you want to watch the 3rd one.
Video 1.
Video 2 .

Patricia Kahill

Patricia Kahill is a multipotentialite Christian entrepreneur, Content Marketing Coach and founder of the Content Marketing agency, Kahill Insights that helps business owners create engaging and interactive content items for digital platforms with a focus on returning a desired outcome. Patricia was the producer of SlamDunk Basketball Talk a show on House of Talent online TV, a former fellow at Harvest Institute for leadership and now an assessor there, and an alumnus of the YELP class of 2017. A member of the BNI Integrity chapter and African Women Entrepreneur Cooperative. She is driven by passion and curiosity, been taking every opportunity that has been given to her with an ambition of stamping her footprint on the world.

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