#ugblogweek Day5: The Difference between Sadness and Depression

Not that mental health month didn’t have enough focus on these issues, but I thought I would highlight some thing we might have missed that we all tend to confuse. Sadness is different from depression! ‘Sadness—we are all familiar with it. Taylor Swift has made a career writing songs that tap into this emotion. Yet,…

Blue band tins ………………………….. Road idiots #UgBlogWeek Day 3

Road idiots: At night, they drive towards you with full lights.. At night, they drive behind you with full lights.. At traffic stops, they hoot behind you.. They stop suddenly after overtaking you (blue-band tins).. Flying police patrol cars with blaring sirens force you off the road. You regain your composure and attempt to rejoin…

#PKTechWeekly: Bitcoin for Zimbabwe, Vodafone Chat+ App, DSTV Streaming Services, The Dark Web Isn’t All Dark

  Driving differentiation and innovation through software It is said that today’s business world is increasingly high on velocity and is software driven. It’s also believed that sooner or later, those two realities will push companies to rethink their potential and reinvent themselves. While some aspects of technology are moving with incredible speed – social,…

How to use the Available Resources to Achieve Goals

Setting savings goals and achieving them means one needs to acquire a degree of self-control, strength and advice. These are most important because they make the journey easy. Others invest in research and learning new ways and skills to equip them with the necessary knowledge to achieve those goals or targets. When I embarked on…

#PKTechWeekly: Mobile Money Rates Slash, Netflix Offline, MicroWave Tech, Web not Apps, Where is Apple headed?,

A common refrain in discussions over the future of mobile is that “eventually, all mobile apps will be iOS or Android apps.” – Hugh Durkin MTN Uganda to slash Mobile Money rates According to GURU8, MTN will be announcing a slash in their Mobile money rates and the new rates that will be charged for…

The Journey to Achieving Your Target

“when you shoot for the stars, you can’t ever look back.” ― Brittany Perloff, Starting Over Unfortunately, the phrase ‘goal achieving’ doesn’t trip off the tongue with the same familiar ring that goal setting does. All too often when people talk about setting goals they are talking about how to accomplish or achieve their goal.…

#PKTechWeekly: Uganda Space Technology, ICTAug LAN, Ma3Route, StartUp Culture Killing Us

A whole generation is being trained to sell their companies as quickly as possible – rather than doing any actual work to nurture them – Telegraph The sight of a farmer weeding his fields by hand deep in the villages is a timeless scene, far removed from the high-tech, interconnected world of today. Yet the…