Organizations with a strong digital culture concept where technology and the internet are shaping their way of interaction with humans using digital tools and data-powered insights are the same thing that has been talked about highly for the last now coming to 24 months brought to us by COVID19 effects.

Over the weekend, I purposed to catch up on the reports from World Economic Forum that happened in June 2021. I found some informative and insightful views and ideas that were valuable for me.

One of these is the report on the digital culture guidebook that is so necessary for this season as we talk digital transformation for our institutions. Many of us are looking at what digital transformation and culture concept to adopt to push our organization and have them settle in well.

Many are wondering how they should behave, think, and communicate within society. Digital culture can drive sustainable actions and create value for all stakeholders if it is implemented purposefully.

There are 4 pillars to a digital culture that I found in the World Economic Forum Digital Culture guidebook that include:

  1. Collaboration across the organization and with ecosystem partners to co-create innovative solutions
  2. Use of data to guide decisions and unlock value
  3. Creating positive customer experiences through product and service offerings and relationships
  4. Adapting and continually improving products and processes hence taking risks and trying out new things

But it has been noticed that there is some digital transformation overdoing as some are creating chaos and more problems than a great digital culture that gives customers a good experience. Customers have a low attention span; we all know this as we are the customers. So, instead of digital clutter why not provide great information that clients want and need that won’t push them to your competitors. Then there are the overloaded customers who end up asking for more details from your customer service when you would have simplified the experience from the get-go.

So, a business rethinking how they are to use technology, people, and processes in purist of new business models and new revenue streams, driving changes in client expectations around their products and services; CIO has these 5 steps to follow affect this kind of change:

  1. Align objectives with business goals – Answer the question on outcome for customers when using digital transformation. Use the business customer journey map for guidance.
  2. Information Technology and Business must co-create- IT is no longer a fix it department but a board member to the business as a solution to problems and one that delivers value to customers. Also, the business heads need to understand the kind of tech available to them.
  3. Strategic Partners are a must have – whatever kind of business you are, IT needs help to fulfilling digital imperatives to be able to reduce time on projects. Choose partners who have good records to help you
  4. Products and Services must be redesigned around customer outcomes – Embrace cloud software, artificial intelligence to boost operational efficiency and respond to the evolving customer needs and expectations.
  5. Employee should be retrained around digital – they all need to be on the same page with the company as it is aligning it’ digital imperatives with customer preferences.

After reading what I summarized to this, I went back to Kahill Insights Company Limited to fix some things. Hope you find what you need to fix for your business.

Patricia Kahill

Patricia Kahill is a multipotentialite Christian entrepreneur, Content Marketing Coach and founder of the Content Marketing agency, Kahill Insights that helps business owners create engaging and interactive content items for digital platforms with a focus on returning a desired outcome. Patricia was the producer of SlamDunk Basketball Talk a show on House of Talent online TV, a former fellow at Harvest Institute for leadership and now an assessor there, and an alumnus of the YELP class of 2017. A member of the BNI Integrity chapter and African Women Entrepreneur Cooperative. She is driven by passion and curiosity, been taking every opportunity that has been given to her with an ambition of stamping her footprint on the world.

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