The future of innovation is about access not ownership
Most organisations need to wake up to the idea that innovation is about access and collaboration, not ownership. There is a clear business case for recycling the abundance of technologies and outcomes of user and market experiments from adjacent industries.
In the hyped start-up scene, everybody is looking to emulate asset light companies like Uber and Airbnb, who are leveraging the under-utilised assets of others. While on the social level, Facebook is indirectly telling the world that no one can own features but rather join in the collaborations that make those specify features great and better.
But even though Open Innovation (OI) is the new normal, few organisations have implemented an OI curriculum or even know about this kind of thing that caters for new innovation. They have not answered for themselves what the required skill sets are to be successful innovators in today’s world. Even fewer organisations have successfully adopted the OI mindsets that are required to successfully collaborate.
According to the Open Innovation Academy who have identified what is missing, say they have observed that most organisations go through individual and single learning loops. Little is done to develop good practices, standard processes or development of a curriculum for Open Innovation (OI).
Read more about this here http://openinnovationacademy.com/innovating_your_innovation/
Twitter explores Tweetdeck subscription-based option
Twitter Inc is reported to be considering whether to build a premium version of its popular Tweetdeck interface aimed at professionals, the company said last week. This rose the possibility that it could collect subscription fees from some users for the first time.
Like most other social media companies, Twitter since its founding 11 years ago has focused on building a huge user base for a free service supported by advertising. Last month it reported it had 319 million users worldwide.
But unlike the much-larger Facebook Inc, Twitter has failed to attract enough in advertising revenue to turn a profit even as its popularity with U.S. President Donald Trump and other celebrities makes the network a constant center of attention.
Subscription fees could come from a version of Tweetdeck, an existing interface that helps users navigate Twitter. Its reported that Twitter is conducting a survey “to assess the interest in a new, more enhanced version of Tweetdeck,”
There was no indication that Twitter was considering charging fees from all its users, as a journalist affiliated with the New York Times posted screenshots of what a premium version of Tweetdeck could look like.
The version could include “more powerful tools to help marketers, journalists, professionals, and others in our community find out what is happening in the world quicker,” according to one of the screenshots posted on the account @andrewtavani.
Google Vs Symantec: A Historical Study and Futuristic Analysis
It could very rightly be said that Google has been having a rather “bad history” with Symantec SSL certificates, or to put it more precisely, “bad Symantec certificates”.
Symantec is now in the news, and trending, though in a very negative light. Google has announced, after Symantec was caught improperly issuing 30,000 certificates over the past few years, that it will start gradually distrusting Symantec certificates. Moreover, effective immediately, the CA’s EV (Extended Validation) certificates won’t be recognized, for at least one year, until the company fixes its certificate issuance processes and gains trust once again.
Well, this is not the first time Google is up in arms against Symantec. Here’s a look at the Google Vs Symantec scenario from a historical perspective…
Click on the link below for more on this. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/google-vs-symantec-historical-study-futuristic-sankar-annamalai
Personal Branding
Many people are struggling with their personal brand and this webinar from Jetpack and a blog I wrote a few year ago would help you understand how your brand is represented online.
Here is the webinar; http://profilejetpack.com/launch/
And my blog about this is here; http://pkahill.com/self-branding-your-name-is-your-brand/
Truecaller and Google Come Together to Improve Video Calling for Millions
Truecaller announced a strategic agreement to integrate Google Duo, a high quality video calling service, within the Truecaller app. This will add a crucial communications layer that strengthens the value of Truecaller‘s wildly popular dialer, caller ID, and spam blocking app already used by more than 250 million users globally.
Along with news of this integration, Truecaller announced a completely new redesign of the Android app, and now with a broader array of useful features including:
* SMS: Instantly see who’s SMS’ing you and filter out all spam messages. Spam SMS account for 15% of all SMS messages sent globally, and represents 1.2 trillion spam messages each year.
* Flash Messaging: which allows you to send quick pre-defined messages to any Truecaller user to let them know if you’re in distress, you’re on your way, your location, or that you’ve reached home.
The new look and feel of Truecaller is consistent with its ongoing commitment to provide a safe and efficient experience for millions of mobile users who’ve become increasingly frustrated by the growing problem of spam calls and texts from unknown users. Now as one of the fastest growing mobile apps in the world, Truecaller sits at the center of your mobile phone experience helping you connect with the people who matter, in the way you want to communicate, while avoiding calls and texts from those you don’t.
African hospitals embrace Artificial Intelligence
African hospitals are adopting SOPHiA to get up to speed and analyze genomic data to identify disease-causing mutations in patients’ genomic profiles, and decide on the most effective care.
Sophia Genetics is a health technology company that intergates Artificial Intelligence into their workflow. The company unveiled the list of African hospitals that have started using it at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) in Phoenix.
As new users of SOPHiA, they become part of a larger network of 260 hospitals in 46 countries that share clinical insights across patient cases and patient populations, which feeds a knowledgebase of biomedical findings to accelerate diagnostics and care.
Speaking about the adoption of SOPHiA in Africa, Jurgi Camblong, Sophia Genetics’ CEO and co-founder, declared “Since inception, our vision has been to develop innovative technological solutions that analyze patients’ genomic profiles to offer better diagnosis and care to the greatest number of patients, wherever they live. Today, I am very proud that SOPHiA is triggering a technological leapfrog movement in healthcare across Africa.”
Painless cancer treatment available in South Africa
In no other sector does technology hold such potential to save and improve the lives of African citizens than healthcare. And when world-leading medical research combined with expert local insights meet the latest in cloud-based technology, an opportunity beckons to solve one of the leading killers of African women.
“We have all the tools available to prevent cervical cancer, which is essentially a disease of disparity,” explains Prof Magnus Knebel von Doeberitz, Medical Director, Department of Applied Tumor Biology, Institute of Pathology, Heidelberg University Hospital. “Cervical cancer is six times more prevalent in poor or developing countries as it is in the more developed regions of the world. There is a strong humanitarian imperative to address the issue of cervical cancer prevalence among African women, particularly in light of the vital social role women play in African communities.”
Cervical cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), and is one of the leading causes of death among African women. The World Health Organisation (WHO) conservatively estimates that HPV infections cause 68 000 cases of cervical cancer in African women every year, although the lack of available data means this figure is likely much higher. “Cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer among Kenyan women, and the most lethal. Our immediate priority with this solution was to reduce the mortality rate resulting from what is an entirely preventable cause of cancer by making effective screening widely available, and improving patient tracking,” explains von Knebel Doeberitz.
The current screening method, called Emerging Technologies in Cervical Cancer Screening (ETiCCS), was developed by the Heidelberg University Hospital. The SAP Design and Co-Innovation Center partnered with von Knebel Doeberitz to supply the technology platform required to implement it at scale. In addition, Dr Omenge Orango’o of Moi University in Nairobi provided on-the-ground insights and support. “It is critical to have an accurate and realistic view of actual on-the-ground conditions to ensure any solutions developed in a laboratory are effective when implemented in the field. Dr Omenge’s insights into challenges relating to infrastructure and culture were invaluable during our test implementation,” explains von Knebel Doeberitz.
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