In this week’s #pktechweekly;

Uganda to be a TechHub for Africa by 2030.

The Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Elioda Tumwesigye said Uganda will be a hub for science and technology in whole of Africa by 2030 during a technovation challenge at the Makerere University School of Public Health-powered ResilientAfrica Network.

Gender in Technology.

While the issue of gender diversity in business is nothing new, the nature of the modern business environment has made this issue all the more important.  Diversity on boards is critical to sustaining business performance. Not only does it assist to broaden the pool of eligible candidates for board positions, but also assist in expanding perspectives at a management level.  While many businesses have recognized the importance of appointing members of different ages, races, educational backgrounds and expertise, the issue of gender diversity has often been overlooked. Read more about this here.

UCC warns customers about SIM card fraud.

Uganda Communications Commission cautioned subscribers and advised them to take extra caution and always confirm the originator of any money related messages to avoid falling prey to con men and fraudsters. The regulator said it’s working relentlessly with other stakeholders in the industry to combat this latest vice.

Technology for the poor.

Historically, industrial revolutions haven’t been kind to poor people. If technology wasn’t putting people out of work, it was endangering them through hazardous working environments or long-term exposure to pollutants. Even today, there is evidence that technology-driven economies are favouring a small group of individuals and exacerbating inequality.

But now we are seeing a different story. Not only are the world’s poorest having their lives radically improved by technological advances, but, in some cases, they are actually the first to benefit.

Want to know how, find the details here.

Nigeria’s Solar powered car.

Nigerian-based renewable energy company Arthur Energy Technology Limited plans to invest $1,574 million in the country’s first solar powered vehicle assembly plant. Read more here.

 25 places to raise funding for your African tech startup.

African tech startups raised at least US$185.7 million in funding in 2015, and the signs are that 2016 is set to be another big year. Startups are being backed by both overseas and domestic investors each day, and a plethora of new funds have been launched this year alone. Not sure where to look for investment? We’ll make it easy for you with this list of 25 good places to start. Find more on this here. 

Patricia Kahill

Patricia Kahill is a multipotentialite Christian entrepreneur, Content Marketing Coach and founder of the Content Marketing agency, Kahill Insights that helps business owners create engaging and interactive content items for digital platforms with a focus on returning a desired outcome. Patricia was the producer of SlamDunk Basketball Talk a show on House of Talent online TV, a former fellow at Harvest Institute for leadership and now an assessor there, and an alumnus of the YELP class of 2017. A member of the BNI Integrity chapter and African Women Entrepreneur Cooperative. She is driven by passion and curiosity, been taking every opportunity that has been given to her with an ambition of stamping her footprint on the world.

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