— Every one of us. Everywhere. Connected.— Every one of us. Everywhere. Connected.

Two thirds of the world’s population have no access to internet and these two giant tech companies have come up with projects to connect all of us, have ourselves a global village.

The aim here is to help everyone have a chance to compete favourable on the world map, no one greater than the other, all of us on leveled grounds with the same resources  – at least with internet. With this, hope is seen in better results of agriculture, health, education, and overall development.

So which of these great projects will be the winner?

Already in Uganda we have Google partnering with our local internet services providers to better our internet, Facebook is not here or even near here yet.

Let me set for you the differences between these two projects so that you can make a good choice.

Google’s Project Loon is a network of balloons traveling on the edge of space, designed to connect people in rural and remote areas, help fill coverage gaps, and bring people back online after disasters.

Facebook-supported is a global partnership between technology leaders, nonprofits, local communities and experts who are working together to bring the internet to the two thirds of the world’s population that doesn’t have it.

Facebook’s intended projects work in the atmospheric range, while Google’s balloons would transit in the stratosphere.

Facebook vehicles use solar and Loon uses wind primarily.

Facebook is to use satellites, lasers, and drones for connection and Google is to use balloon-powered internet for everyone.


Facebook’s partners are to join forces to develop technology that decrease the cost of delivering data to people worldwide, and help expand internet access in underserved communities.

Google’s Loon balloon network uses a special Internet antenna attached to people’s buildings. The signal bounces from this antenna up to the balloon network, and then down to the global Internet on Earth.

Loon has already been tested in New Zealand and other tests are ongoing mainly on research flights in California’s Central Valley.

The Connectivity Lab at Facebook is still exploring on the variety of technologies, including high-altitude long-endurance planes, satellites and lasers for this project to work.

So who do you think is going to win this? Or do you think at a certain point Z, both tech giants will join forces for the good of the people they want to connect….

Please leave me a comment, thanks.

Patricia Kahill

Patricia Kahill is a multipotentialite Christian entrepreneur, Content Marketing Coach and founder of the Content Marketing agency, Kahill Insights that helps business owners create engaging and interactive content items for digital platforms with a focus on returning a desired outcome. Patricia was the producer of SlamDunk Basketball Talk a show on House of Talent online TV, a former fellow at Harvest Institute for leadership and now an assessor there, and an alumnus of the YELP class of 2017. A member of the BNI Integrity chapter and African Women Entrepreneur Cooperative. She is driven by passion and curiosity, been taking every opportunity that has been given to her with an ambition of stamping her footprint on the world.

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