The Loneliness That Befalls Our Elderly

How are the holidays going? Enjoying yourselves? Did you head home to the parents or decided to say in the city? If you did, ‘how are the old people?’ Enough with the pleasantries; let me open your eyes to the loneliness our elderly people are facing. Without people to take care of, our parents and…

Facebook brings its Innovation Challenge to Africa

Recognition for African developers who are working to deliver apps, websites and services for learning/education and economic empowerment; $US150, 000 awards for winners in two categories. Have you heard yet? Facebook is launching the Innovation Challenge in Africa with the aim of recognising developers and entrepreneurs who are using the internet to improve the standard of education…

Homophobic or Not, We Are All Equal!

“Whether there is a law or no law, the discrimination of persons with different sexual orientation and gender identity continues unabated in the Ugandan society. The narrative that describes persons of different sexual orientation as evil and child predatory is being preached in churches, mosques and in the community everyday putting the lives of many…

Project Link Launched, So No More Digging for BlueRedYellowGreen Cable Laying?

#KoikoiUg…. Google project launched last week in Kampala with a promise of improving our internet speed and experience. According to this statement on their site, they have built the first metro fiber network in this, our city Kampala, that was limited to pre-broadband speeds. They continue to say; In Uganda, we also offer wholesale last-mile Wi-Fi…