Google is being bombarded on all fronts

Google my best search engine is at war on all fonts of its business. Earlier in October the company disappointed shareholders with underwhelming quarterly results. The amount of money it makes each time somebody clicks on an ad has steadily fallen for the past three years. Then a concern rose about the disintermediation of search by…

Do you know your rights to Kampala city?

We live in an era when ideals of human rights have moved centre stage both politically and ethically. These rights have expanded and now we have the right to the city. This means according to urban sociologist Robert Park; ‘man’s most successful attempt to remake the world he lives in more after his heart’s desire.…

Big Data Facts and Sources

I know you have heard this ‘Big Data’ gospel that is taking over the world already, but do you know these facts about it? That; Every 2 days since 2003 we create so much information more than we did from the beginning of time [Source], Every minute we send 204 million emails, generate 1,8 million…

THE SILENT KILLER: Teenage Pregnancy In Uganda

Recent media reports revealed how 40,000 primary school girls are defiled by their very own teachers annually across the country many of whom end up pregnant. The Uganda National Adolescent Health Policy defines adolescents as people between the ages of 10 and 19 years. This is the active age when one would expect the girls…

How NGOs help (can help) with Corruption – (what about the private sector)

Corruption is a widespread problem — from a major oil company using secret companies to bribe politicians in Brazil, to small and medium-sized enterprises paying off local officials to expedite business procedures in Uganda. This iniquity is all around us and many a times we never notice it; and if we do we ignore it because…