It saddens me to say this, but majority of you who are reading this, will not take it at heart.
We all have one birth right, and one birth right only. That right is freedom. You have the freedom to do and be whoever you want to be.
Most times our freedom seem to be, being taken away from us but the reality is, our freedom is the last thing we have before we die. It is the thing that stands with us until we are gone.
Our freedom to choose can never be taken away from us. It might tend to seem otherwise but it is never is,. We tend to sell it, we give it away and enslave ourselves in things that we think are better than it.
Whatever your goals, desires, or aspirations may be, choose to be free from compromise and follow your life purpose.
Naturally, our only given birth right will overpower any oppressive force a man can conjure up, this giving us the power to be who we were meant to be.
I won’t lie to you that it doesn’t take an immense amount of courage to step out of the ordinary – because it does. And every one of us has this courage within us.
A lot of us look to these controlling forces, the ordinary life we live, the safe and comfortable places we live in and we feel safe, but we are not safe at all.
In there we have no chance to risk our lives for what we want or can do, we can’t fulfill our earthly purpose, we can’t be great. We can be the great generation Mandale talked about. In there we are told who are, what we want, where to go.
Everything in there is safe, the boats are not rocking, it is a safe sail away, no challenges, no obstacles, no pain, just a safe haven of some sort. (wake up you are dreaming).
I’m here to tell you, if what you want threatens to rock the boat, go for it.
If what you want doesn’t cause any disturbance, still go for it.
Whatever it may be, go for it. If you want it, it is worthy it.
I want all of us to have the chance to put our lives on the line for whatever it is we want and believe in.
If we do this we die for a cause, for a purpose and for a mission.
But if we don’t, our lives begin and end with no purpose, other than the purpose that we existed, lived and died.
Your purpose shouldn’t be that little, you know it is more and you understand it better than anyone. You only have to look deep with in your self to find it and understand it.
Curve your own path.
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I agree on that but the sad fact is most people simply go through life without finding out what their purpose is. Majority that do have a purpose have what they call “speculative purpose” where they just assume they now what it is that life wants from them. Only very few people are able to have a revelation of their purpose in life. So its up to us to keep searching till we find it or till it finds us.
Good Read
Very true David.
Thanks for reading.