Your Excellency, I am sorry I have no pleasantries to offer this afternoon because I am sure you are so alive and well today. If you weren’t it would be heard, really loudly on the streets. I write to you Ssebo to appreciate that you and your team (government) have taken into consideration and plan…
Death – The Bottomless Pit!
Clocks had stopped ticking, The cursors had stopped blinking. I was suddenly hollow; I saw my frame for what it was- A bottomless pit of nothingness I’d tried to fill up all my life With things and experiences. _____ from a 2014 poem called Death by Nevender Yesterday I had one of those episodes where…
Does Female Privilege Exist?
Yes, it does! Alongside Male privilege. A month ago I commented on a post on Facebook and said that ‘Women should recognize their privileges too’ and a lady friend asked me ‘which ones?’ This got me rallied up to think deeply about my comment because to me I see us, women, as privileged in our…
So Sure, Hope Never Ends!
Today, I choose to dig into my work and mourn no more. Today I do the Nevender, work through your pain; fueled by Hope. I am choosing to focus on the surety that the bible harbours no deceit. That it’s the only book that promises and fulfils. The bible is So Sure of it’self that it stands…
Death Be Not Proud, Joel Neve’r’nder!
Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou are not so; For those whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me. From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be, Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow, And soonest…