First, I have to say this, there is no going back to the way things were. There is no going back to normal whatever that was. I believe normal is now, today, this moment, the current situation or environment we are in. We are moving forward. The Covid-19 disruption has already happened, and its effects are taking fast moves on the foundations of our businesses/organizations and not forgetting our mental health as a community.  Your 5- or 10-years business/organizations strategies and plans are no longer 100% attainable, and now many are back to the drawing board.

In the digital marketing space, we are used to shifting blocks of the technologies but some uncertainties like the ones bought on by the political environment we operate in can never predicated, so we are always revisiting, changing, and developing new strategies.

On 1st July 2021, the 12% tax on all internet usage in Uganda was adopted by all internet providers which meant that data prices instantly increased. The tax removed OTT as a requirement to access all social media platforms, enabling anyone with access to the internet and has data to check their social media pages with no limitation. This also meant that those who were avoiding paying OTT using VPN did not need to anymore.

But access is still being denied to Facebook, even as you read this. One needs a VPN to access the platform which was blocked off by the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) after a directive from above during the early election of March 2021. I will not go into the whys of this as this is not why I am here. I am here to offer solutions on how to improve your overall digital strategies in this season of the lockdown with or without Facebook.

Here is what we are choosing to do for my clients at Kahill Insights Company Limited and our platforms;

  • Ephemeral content, the kind that gets an immediate response from the public – as an urgent purchase need. It also allows your customers to engage with your brand, expanding your reach and building trust and strengthening relationships with the right type of content. WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat Status/ Stories should come in handle during this season.
  • Email Marketing: “During times of uncertainty, marketers tend to switch back to tried-and-tested marketing tactics instead of disruptive ideas. E-Mail marketing like newsletters and podcasts will make a comeback as they are easy to establish and consume by customers.  Also, because Email marketing allows businesses to nurture prospects through a long decision-making process without the same kind of budgetary commitment of say, paid social media.” – Kahill Insights. If you have been on this, please intensify it. People are in lockdown and kind of free, so they are reading almost everything that pops up as a notification.
  • Micro Influencers: Use them as they are usually more effective in reaching target individuals. These smaller influencers often have a more specific niche. This way, it is easier to impact audiences who are really interested in your products or services when people switch on their VPN to checkout Facebook. This also increases the chances of conversion.
  • Interactive marketing where one adds content items like Assessments, Questionnaires, Games, Polls, Interactive videos, Research, and Contests as forms of interaction that can be referred back to. Have your seen that Citizen Quiz on Twitter that is broadcasted every Friday? That is an example of this.
  • Embrace lives broadcasting like Spaces, Clubhouse, Rooms and Live videos. Yes, Facebook is still blocked but those with VPN can access so target those with live vidoes. Clubhouse doesn’t work with VPN on so a bonus there. Twitter just gave access to everyone to create a Space use it for your business though beware of the bugs. Instagram live feed is still open.
  • User generated content, create content from what has been shared on your platforms in forms of graphic fiers that are easily shared on other platforms away form Facebook and have your contacts on there . This content can be picked from your Comments on posts made, Text and video posts on users’ own social networks, Reviews on blogs and specialized publications, Evaluations on social networks and platforms.
  • Advertising is a must have.  If part of the social media advertising which is cheap and almost more rewarding is off that is Facebook then take your ad money to Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter or just go online advertising and pay Google Adverts or Esikimu.

For now, this is what is we are to provide for our clients at Kahill Insights. If you have something I have not mentioned working for you, please share.

Patricia Kahill

Patricia Kahill is a multipotentialite Christian entrepreneur, Content Marketing Coach and founder of the Content Marketing agency, Kahill Insights that helps business owners create engaging and interactive content items for digital platforms with a focus on returning a desired outcome. Patricia was the producer of SlamDunk Basketball Talk a show on House of Talent online TV, a former fellow at Harvest Institute for leadership and now an assessor there, and an alumnus of the YELP class of 2017. A member of the BNI Integrity chapter and African Women Entrepreneur Cooperative. She is driven by passion and curiosity, been taking every opportunity that has been given to her with an ambition of stamping her footprint on the world.

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