“I almost killed myself, yesterday”- she sent a chat to my WhatsApp and then went offline.
Phones off.
The closest person to her – the husband – is the abuser.
What kind of abuse you might be wondering, it is Emotional Abuse.
When you think you have it worse, just know other people have it worst; so be grateful.
So, as I search for my friend, let me highlight some of the Emotional Abuse signs especially ones experienced in marriage so you don’t miss them with your friends, family, and other relations you have.
- Threaten You In Subtle Ways
- You are Always Walking On Eggshells
- Disparaging Humor (allows the person to put you down and make you feel small but also leads you to doubt your own judgment)
- Daily Emotional Roller Coaster (Abusers are sometimes a nightmare to live with, belittling you, controlling you, and making you feel awful. Other times, they will be apologetic, loving, and sometimes generous to a fault.)
- Isolation
- Inferiority Complex imposed on you
- You feel trapped.
People facing this kind of abuse tend to think they are not worth any better and it is their fault, as the abuser would want them to believe.
Emotional abuse is violence against the other person and leads to mental problems that contribute to suicide.
If the above signs are evident in your life please don’t let your abuser win by taking your own life, reach out, and don’t give up no matter what the people you reached out to say.
And if you have been reached out to, and you don’t know what to say or do, please don’t say ‘it will get better’ or ‘he/she will change’, find a qualified person to talk to your friend on how to regain her/his power back and overcome the abuse.
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