You Can't Be A Leader If You Can #DIY – Thoughts

Whether you realize it or not, most of us strive to become leaders. We want to do something great, be respected by our peers, make more money and acquire more responsibility. Overall, we want to make a difference at our job. But most of us simply don’t know the proper way to gain that heightened respect, confidence…

Why I Support The Uganda #Tobacco Control Bill

I know it kinda selfish in a way to support a bill that encroaches on what some are calling their right to smoke or even to kill him themselves. Even though such rights don’t exist anywhere in the world. Smoking is no right and killing oneself in Uganda is punishable by caning the dead body.…

Growth Of #Technology In #Uganda

Technology has really made the world a global village. This is in regard to the way information travels nowadays from one continent to another in seconds and back. Africa has joined the rest of the world and is striving to be part of this global village. In Uganda, technology is gradually contributing to this country’s economic…

Apple Aiming For Google In It's New Patent Suit Against Samsung

Okay, it is kinda embarrassing and now boring to hear and read about these patent suits between these two, it is no longer shocking as it used to be. But this new suit by Apple Inc against Samsung Electronics should shock you, because it is targets Google’s Android. Apple has sued Samsung for $2 Billion because…

Winner Takes It All: #Google’s Project Loon Or #Facebook's

Two thirds of the world’s population have no access to internet and these two giant tech companies have come up with projects to connect all of us, have ourselves a global village. The aim here is to help everyone have a chance to compete favourable on the world map, no one greater than the other,…